Why Høyden
There is no higher priority at Høyden than the safety of people.
Efficient usability with embedded safety is how we design every system.
In 14+ years of operation there has been no incident on any of our systems resulting in a meaningful injury.
Our engineers are familiar with the relevant EU and British standards, and we consult as necessary with experts and authorities to design systems that are compliant and practical.
We are aligned with both of SOFT and IRATA associations for rope access / working at height, and we are completely onboard with the protocols they promote.
Continual risk management and improvement is incorporated into our SOPs

The business case
Why Høyden
A powerful business case
Project cost: 5-20% of BMU alternatives | TCO over 10 years: approx 10% of BMU**
Capital expenditure
Cost savings of up to 80% less than an equivalent BMU alternative when we are able to participate at the early design stage
Operating expenditure
The cost of service, maintenance, energy, and breakdowns inherent to BMUs is nullified with the superb efficiency of our long-life / low-maintenance systems
BMUs degrade aesthetics and consume multiple square metres, in an industry where space is money.
Maximise your rental yields with our light-touch solutions
While BMU and MEWPs are physically constrained by person-capacities, mechanical speed and the availability of parking space, our solutions are scalable on demand with minimal constraints
** Infiniti Research Ltd © 2018

The environmental case
Why Høyden
Least carbon impact
Our systems are aligned with your published net-zero objectives, delivering a significantly lighter embodied & operational carbon footprint than the mechanical alternatives
Factual analysis
We are in process of producing an independently verified comparative case-study of the respective carbon impact of a Høyden solution versus a BMU alternative. Key results will be highlighted here in due course
ISO 14001 certification
Høyden was certified as an Eco-Lighthouse in 2024.
Eco-Lighthouse certification is equivalent to ISO 14001 certification for environmental management and is recognized by the EU.

The design case
Why Høyden
Your perfect design vision
Modern building science empowers designers to incorporate creative geometries and arresting angles for both functional and aesthetic benefit.
The freedom to model total maintenance access on even the most complex of projects
Low - No visual impact
Pure lines and flows without interruptions.
The minimalist agility of the Høyden systems merge with your design vision
Beautiful space
Roof tops and terraces are fully available for public access, greening, energy generation and other productive purposes